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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 02.08.2010 10:27
von Cate • Besucher | 761 Beiträge

Hab das Video gesehen....hammer geil!!!!!!!!!
Da sieht man mal wieder das Kind im Manne. Herrlich wie die beiden mit den kleinen Spielzeugen gekämpft hatten. Das ging im Auto bestimmt weiter !!

Arme Beth...alle Pflanzen fast tot. Scheint wohl auch so nen grünen Daumen zu haben wie ich!

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 03.08.2010 00:10
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Ich glaube, der grüne Daumen fehlte eher dem House-Sitter... *gg*

Mir fehlt heut der Nerv, ihr Gezwitscher auch noch zu posten... ich schaff es hoffentlich morgen.

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 03.08.2010 10:02
von naddlrocks • Besucher | 1.164 Beiträge

Danke Kiwiw das vid hab ich noch garnicht gesehen aber das ist typisch die Juniortüte und spielzeug, das erlebnis hatte ich erst Samstag, 30 jähriger mit der Juniortüte wo spongbob drauf ist als Bauhelm und nen Boot für die Quitschi ente.

ich lag unterm tisch.

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 03.08.2010 23:41
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

So... fangen wir mal an. *Ärmel hochkrempel*

Kurzer Ärger über Schlagzeilen...
Wtf >France woman admits killing 8 newborn children - AlJazeeraEnglish: A woman in northern France has been detain... #news /via @ISeeNews
3:47 PM Jul 30th
Dengue Fever in Fla.: What You Need to Know /via @ABC oh no
6:11 PM Jul 30th
what ? President Obama calls African-Americans a ‘mongrel people’ /via @PerezHilton
6:22 PM Jul 30th

Ach das arme Schweinchen...
Tending to @therealwilboar he was nit to good when we got home he gets really depressed
31. Juli 2010 02:37
@therealwilboar lost bunches of his hair and his razor is really thin I'm Giving him lots of baths and tons of fruit he'll be ok
31. Juli 2010 02:38
Yay I need to be more selective in who watches my Boar
31. Juli 2010 02:40
I'm gonna go buy him a baby pool To splash around in I mean really it's Not like I can take him to da beach or anything
31. Juli 2010 02:43

Kurzer Schlagabtausch mit DL...
@DuaneLChapman got a Lil time on your hands huh
@MrsdogC: no they are automatic tweets set up months ago I am working
My iPhone just alerted me that Beth is hawking me ....... I'll be back
@DuaneLChapman be affraid !

31. Juli 2010 03:16

You guys would die right now if you saw my nails or I should say broken nails
31. Juli 2010 04:02

I am SO glad the United States wastes tax money busting marijuana users and growers more than heroin, cocaine,&crystal;meth combined! /via @AdrianneCurry no shit right
31. Juli 2010 06:40

Gut zu wissen...
@Bulldogmom22 I can post bail nation wide
31. Juli 2010 16:32

Trying yo get back on Hawaii time ... Killin me IRS 4:30 and that would be 8 I. Denver I went to bed at 7 last night ughh
31. Juli 2010 16:40
It's 4:30 not IRS
31. Juli 2010 16:40

@32izzy would love to come to Rainey England they won't let us in cause dogs old record
31. Juli 2010 17:14

Och nein Beth... DAS wollen wir echt net wissen.
Found something to do in the wee hours of the morning ! Lol I woke up bigdaddy
31. Juli 2010 17:15
@MrsdogC I bet he was mad, LOL.
@Divas_Champion not

31. Juli 2010 17:32

@MrsdogC and your still alive to tweet about it?! CRAZY
@stephckaufman I'm the wife I get away with more than you think
@stephckaufman by the way lobster in your town is ono
@MrsdogC well then why dont you guys come on over to nova scotia, my man is a sous chef, he makes good lobster!!

31. Juli 2010 17:39

@MrsdogC Are you guys still filming DTBH? Its my favorite show on tv.
@Divas_Champion just filmed for two months in Colorado
@MrsdogC Awesome.Can't wait to see it.

31. Juli 2010 17:47

Coming down makapu it's pouring rain nut looks beautiful

31. Juli 2010 19:40

Ok i know you all have missed my Saturday morning videos so here's one to get your day going
31. Juli 2010 19:41

@MrsdogC was wondering y u work for other bailbond comp, can they not hunt their own clients or do u need a special licence?
@Gia_Manning ok some bondsmans dont want to risk thier lives to catch these guys some bondsman can't afford the time away from thier businesses and some bondsman just can't catchem

31. Juli 2010 20:18

Omg my koko head episode is on august 4 before Cris angel
31. Juli 2010 20:22
I know it's cool cause my crew was dying going up one of my producers drank a cup of coffee before going up Big mistake ! Huge
31. Juli 2010 20:24

Und weil's so schön war... *ggg*
@MrsdogC You have to tweet the video of Leland and Duane Lee at McD's again! Too funny! Please? /via @chavahsdaughter ohh alright
31. Juli 2010 20:44

@MrsdogC Wen we was there we climbed Diamond Head, do u ever climb that 1 ?
@1lilpiggy yes it's only 100 stairs kokohead is like 1100
@1lilpiggy try it next time it empowering
@MrsdogC Diamond Head was pretty steep 4 me, I dont excersize, I was proud of myself tho, Koko next time 4 sure

31. Juli 2010 20:51

Das ist echt ne lustige Vorstellung...
@mrsdogc and @dogbountyhunter are you guys in the same room on your phones?
@Canuckgirl16 yes he is sitting right here is he tweeting ?
@MrsdogC haha yes...I just had this image in my head of you to sitting there together on your phones so had to ask.

31. Juli 2010 20:53

Auch für uns interessant... vielleicht haben wir ja Glück und können iwo gucken.

@DogBountyHunter @mrsdogc -- when's the new season? my dvr just stopped recording the new shows, I can watch ur show for days.
@SocoJoe87 new show august 4

31. Juli 2010 20:54

@SeanKingston hey Sean how's it back in Hawaii Took video of you in Colorado @babylyssa says hi to yo Sistah
31. Juli 2010 20:59

Love this shirt from Dog's store. Wearing it as I Tweet

@OfficialDOGNews me to but I cut mine all up before I wear it
@MrsdogC lol, I tried that style , but looks much better cut up, on you than me

1. August 2010 03:02

Ich glaube, ich sende mal zwischendurch...

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 04.08.2010 00:08
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Weiter geht's mit Frühsport...

There it is

1. August 2010 17:51
Getting closer

1. August 2010 17:53
First 300 I'm dying

1. August 2010 18:15
850 almost there

1. August 2010 18:36
Made it OMG I'm outta shape took 6 minutes longer than usual
1. August 2010 18:42

@MrsdogC Not out of shape. You stopped to take pictures. So there was your 6 mins.
@PhyscoB that's true although I was sucking for air the whole time

1. August 2010 19:34

@MrsdogC diamond head right? I know its some place I've been to in hawaii. It has tons of stairs. Like 600 or so. Maybe more. Don't remember
@bgoad1989 no this is kokohead it has 1100 stairs the diamond head stairs is 100

1. August 2010 19:35

@MrsdogC I thought the stairway to heaven was closed off?!
@carolinagrl8 the stairwY to heaven I'd three times longer and much steeper it's is closed to the general public but if you live here it's hard to keep is out I may try it in a week or do after I get back in the habit

1. August 2010 19:38

@MrsdogC Just have a coke
@James_McCarthy_ too much coke a cola is why I have to do the hill to begin with

1. August 2010 19:39
Wenn sie weiß, dass ihre Pfunde von der Coke kommen, frag ich mich warum Moppelchen Garry Coke trinken darf...

I had a heart monitor on and it went to 174 I freaked wow 8 weeks away is no good
1. August 2010 19:44
@mrsdogc i must be out of the loop, y the monitor and whats in 8 wks?
@hroberts97448 I was gone for 8 weeks so have not done this climb in two months so wore s heart monitor Also check my tweets catch up k

1. August 2010 19:47

Lots of people are asking I don't know when the new season starts but the rest of season 6 will start airing on august 4 they held some new shows
For the Cris Angel premier but only a few so tune in

1. August 2010 20:20

@MrsdogC Whoa...Uh...consult your local cardiologist I think. :O I'm no expert but most people wouldn't be able to tweet about it concious. /via @metallimacrules na I'm coo
1. August 2010 20:21

@DuaneLChapman why don't you figure out how your gonna mow the lawn first
1. August 2010 20:22
@DuaneLChapman actually surprised you can see to tweet how's that going son need daddy to get it for you
1. August 2010 20:23

@mrsdogc did u go get ur nails fixed?
@MelissaEMoss09 negative not till my yard work is done

1. August 2010 20:24

@babylyssac come bring your truck let's go to best buy

1. August 2010 20:25

@MrsdogC season 7 episode 3 in on Bravo (uk) - 11am 2nd August 2010
@MrsdogC and season 8 episode 11+ every monday @ 9pm on Bravo uk
@kinaton we've have not deceided to Do season 8 yet
@kinaton season 7 isn't out yet

2. August 2010 03:07

@Chapmanfan101 currently filming is correct
2. August 2010 09:55

Goodnight all workouts come early
2. August 2010 09:59

@MrsdogC Love you and your husband! Check me out: /via @_Maybelle guys Check out my new friend

2. August 2010 10:08

Herrje... Und wenn sie vielleicht im Recht ist????
this chic is on my last nerve k >Oksana says Mel had a history of domestic violence... /via @extratv
2. August 2010 18:39

@MrsdogC Hi beth how are you today ? did you guys get kristian's pics in the mail he made you ??
@kristianmom03 sorry mail goes to Houston to the fan club Then gets sent over here takes a long time

2. August 2010 18:45

Und wieder Mel Gibson...
@MrsdogC i'm tired of hearing about both mel and oksana. i grew up in a home with domestic violence it annoys me when celebs get attn for it
@bonostph i know if I have a fight with dog I don't want it all over creation that's just disrespect when one partner set out to set the other up that's just yuk !
@bonostph honestly I had really abusive men in my life before Dog
@MrsdogC yea, exactly, and the type of stuff like that u go thru u don't wan't plastered all over the media bec that's not the only thing
@MrsdogC that defines who you are are, plus the one who leaked the tapes of mel wasnt thinking about the kids either

6:49 PM Aug 2nd
@MrsdogC.. shes on my last one too! mel is great actor! i wish we would here the last on this...
@JanettCraft cause he needs To go home to Robyn already Than his life will calm back down

6:50 PM Aug 2nd

Sitting in traffic Hawaiian style
about 17 hours ago

Look for the rainbow I'm coming down now

about 5 hours ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 04.08.2010 12:30
von Cate • Besucher | 761 Beiträge

Oh mein Gott....hat das Schwein jetzt auch noch nen Twitter Account?
Beth ist aber echt sportlich, wenn sie da jeden Tag hoch rennt!! Sieht verdammt steil und anstrengend aus!

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 06.08.2010 21:51
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Cate, das Schwein hat die eigene Seite schon lang... geht wohl auf DL zurück, der hatte doch mal einen Account gemacht als er es grillen wollte... und dann hat Beth einen gemacht und den gibt es halt noch.

Out to Dinner with me Honey !
4. August 2010 05:04

@DogBountyHunter @OfficialDOGNews @MrsdogC Anyone flying on ? Dog's E! THS now on onboard flights!!!

4. August 2010 04:46:35 via web Retweeted by MrsdogC

Tonight a brand new show only three left so you don't wanna miss it It's the kokohead episode
4. August 2010 20:18

Woo hoo koko head !
5. August 2010 07:36

@MrsdogC your hike looks fun, do you do it often??
@redondomomE several times a wee
5. August 2010 08:03

Headed up the mountain and add a degree of dificulty it's raining

5. August 2010 17:44:

Other side of Kokohead
5. August 2010 20:10

@MrsdogC Could you send some haupia pies to Austin. I heard they are delish.
@Kalebsmemaw if I go buy a haupia pie it would never make it to you as a matter of fact it probably wouldn't make it to the car even

5. August 2010 20:22

Entourage , is on
about 14 hours ago

@MrsdogC - How long does it take to get to the top of Koko head? I was watching the video on that! DAMN!
@tommylandz on a good day 22 minutes if iv been on the road about 28 ish

about 14 hours ago

@MrsdogC how's delilah doing?
@jpadalecki_girl she's great see

about 14 hours ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 10.08.2010 22:35
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Buying plants with @babylyssac

2:28 AM Aug 7th

Tonight a brand new show only three left so you don't wanna miss it It's the kokohead episode
3:58 AM Aug 7th

Woo hoo we win on 8 yes @noh8
3:58 AM Aug 7th

OMg wild boar

3:59 AM Aug 7th

@mrsdogc just wanted to see if you have received the packages from Andy and Kristy Stewart, you and Dog like them?
@mstewart75 as I said it takes awhile i don't pick up my mail very often

9:55 PM Aug 7th

Happy Birday maddy
3:16 AM Aug 8th

Omg it's so early ..... Happy Sunday

4:59 PM Aug 8th

Knee is killing me kokohead four times This week trying to get back in shape Since being gone the road kills my Body I'm pool bound
7:41 PM Aug 8th

@MrsdogC I admire ur resolve Im battling weight issues and struggle with will power alot
@Gaffers1978 I'm no different I struggle also everyday it's a battle

7:57 PM Aug 8th

Here's this morning
8:30 PM Aug 8th

It's a swellin ....good thing it's shark week And there's something to watch

8:30 PM Aug 8th

@MrsdogC Hey, we live in the UK and when we sayed with friends last year, we hiked up the hill overlooking sealife park! Killed!
@katzmuva that's makapu I do that once a week

9. August 2010 16:58

@MrsdogC What is your regular workout when in colorado? Just curious b/c you have such a routine in Hawaii.
@ChristieHowell I change the cardio from kokohead to minimum 10 mile bike ride the alltitude there is very hard to adjust to
@ChristieHowell weight training 4fays a week

9. August 2010 21:52

Knees screaming did squats and hammi's today heavy leg week Gotta suck it up end results
about 22 hours ago

@MrsDogC do follow a planned diet ? more protein than carbs ? shakes?
@ravenluvr no carbs no sugar

about 5 hours ago
@MrsdogC wow no carbs no sugar -----thats got to be hard with all the traveling and what about when u go out to eat ?
@ravenluvr a nice steak or chicken breast and a sliced tomatoe

about 3 hours ago

Ok ok I'm up I'm going ok here I come
about 5 hours ago

Man it's dark
about 5 hours ago

@MrsdogC where are you going?? is it time to "hunt a bad guy"
@dannysmyfav uhh no it's 5 am no one I'm chaseing would be around at this time

about 5 hours ago

Ice on Ice off

about 3 hours ago

Ha, not in Denver Miss Beth... RT @MrsdogC Man it's dark
@greg_lehmann ya I know I'll ne back there soon enough

about 3 hours ago

There just hurting because I was gone for 8 weeks so there gonna hurt a little getting back to par
about 3 hours ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 15.08.2010 19:42
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Heading to work, wishing I was with @maryellensbonds

2:58 AM Aug 11th

@duaneleechapman go to bed put the madden down Duane lee get some sleep now boy don't make me come over there
12:38 PM Aug 11th

Goodnight all
12:38 PM Aug 11th

2:53 AM Aug 13th

Maryellens opponent won by 152 votes.
2:54 AM Aug 13th

All of us
6:17 AM Aug 13th

Sitting in traffic
6:18 AM Aug 13th

Someones about to have a very bad day
8:42 AM Aug 13th

@babylyssac hey you stole my line jerko
9:01 AM Aug 13th

Ist da nicht was ganz anderes gefragt?
@MrsdogC You too Beth, do you follow fans?
@tripletmom98 I always answer

10:20 AM Aug 13th

I finally got to wear my shoes I bought In Toronto they were pretty comfortable After about 4 hours

10:41 AM Aug 13th

Watching @helloross on leno So funny You eh

10:50 AM Aug 13th

Jus going to bed Goodnight
11:09 AM Aug 13th

#FF @MrsDogC & @ShannonLeeTweed . One wife who puts her life on the line & one who's the wife on his mind. Both wives incredibly kind!

3:33 PM Aug 13th Retweeted by MrsdogC

Going up

6:50 PM Aug 13th

Coming down

6:51 PM Aug 13th

@DogBountyHunter @MrsdogC some bounty hunter in estrn CO said he's working w you on a guy from arizona!? Is this true??
@alyce628 nope !

5:53 PM Aug 14th

Up and at em it's a beautiful day in Hawaii

6:08 PM Aug 14th

Oh yeah Big Love !
about 11 hours ago

Ich mach das auch mal komplett mit hier rein, auch wenn der Fan erst an die offizielle Seite schrieb. Iwie hört man das ja des öfteren...
@OfficialDOGNews DL & Leland super nice dissapointed dog walked passed refusing pic and getting yelled at by Beth for no apparent reason
@OfficialDOGNews Up side Duane Lee did get my book signed for me! Hands down nicest guys I've ever met!

about 11 hours ago
@MrsdogC lol I was the 1 u yelled at this week while waiting for u guys in ur parking lot..I noe it was a long day 4 u guys! & 15yr old wanting to meet u wasn't helping! Was slightly dissapointed.
@MrsdogC Just had to laugh it off and think how many other fans get to get yelled at by Beth?

about 10 hours ago
@The_Real_Alyssa especially when were full of mace And it's the middle of the night
about 10 hours ago
@MrsdogC lol come on it was 9:30 and all I wanted was to meet real life super humans! Just wish u guys came to Toronto more often.
about 3 hours ago

Headed out dark and a Lil rain
Ok a lot of rain
about 2 hour ago

@MrsdogC Nooooo. I hope its sunny in 5 hours when we land. #rainraingoaway
@JeffParshley no worries Brah it's the morning shower it's a Lil trickle now Lol don't worry your comin to my island Brah
@MrsdogC OK good. We are soooo excited. Much love! See you at the @noh8campaign shoot at Ka in Ward center. Xoxo

about 2 hour ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 21.08.2010 23:31
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Herrje, Beth macht auch einen auf Football-Fan....

Broncos come on dangit
2:54 AM Aug 16th

OMG WTF broncos
3:39 AM Aug 16th

33-17 grrrrr
3:50 AM Aug 16th

Omfg WTF was that damit the guy b Got back up a scored OMG
3:56 AM Aug 16th

Thank you ! Of course it's incomplete
3:59 AM Aug 16th

I'm gonna have to go in person next week to be sure they win !
4:01 AM Aug 16th

Going to bed tomorrows first day of school "thank God "
10:47 AM Aug 16th

Oh I'm gonna miss Hawaii again

2:32 AM Aug 17th

Out to lunch with local boy ya gotta see this
2:40 AM Aug 17th
2:44 AM Aug 17th

I'm off back in da big bird again
9:46 AM Aug 17th


4:24 PM Aug 17th

My bruddah
12:37 PM Aug 18th

Time change again
4:25 PM Aug 18th

I'm official in hee haw hell
5:54 PM Aug 19th

Uhh yay I think this guy might be a problem

5:48 AM Aug 20th

Getting a bad feeling about this cat

5:49 AM Aug 20th

Was weiß ich was da vorweg ging... ist nicht mehr da.
@HERCULES_IOLAUS oh well I have to work 4 a living I don't just sit in Twitter land awaiting your arival see ya aloha Mahalo for coming by
5:53 AM Aug 20th

@MrsdogC - too many firearms yep should call back up!!!!!
@azbosslady69 we are the back up

6:04 AM Aug 20th

Und auch hier fehlt die Aussage des Angeschriebenen.... aber derdiedas hat wohl nur gemeckert.
@GABBEEHERE not fair ? I'm working dude
6:07 AM Aug 20th
@GABBEEHERE dude is boy or girl
6:49 AM Aug 20th

I'm on steak out !! Hateing IT !
6:43 AM Aug 20th

Ahahaha gotcha million dollar bond ! Woo hoo. Who's your mama
4:31 PM Aug 20th

Awwww my own Bed
about 13 hours ago

about 12 hours ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 27.08.2010 19:57
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Big daddy taken me to the show
1:04 AM Aug 22nd

Ohhh Denver yer killing me

5:46 AM Aug 22nd

8:34 AM Aug 22nd

@MrsdogC how big is the dog, trulry???
@MrsdogC height... Come on, get ur mind outta the gutter
@robt223 5'9

4:30 PM Aug 22nd

Everybody heading to church ?
4:32 PM Aug 22nd

I slept so much in the last two days it's not even funny
22. August 2010 17:31

Excuse me k but that's my nephew >Ready for the @RocRedWings game. The Nephew Dano will face his ex-college team/roommate, Joe Savery, pitchin' for the Lehigh @ironpigs. /via @greg_lehmann
23. August 2010 03:52

guys stop by and say hey to @therealwilboar he is lonely wait till @BillZucker gets a load of him ya think he's hideing now?? lmao
23. August 2010 08:07

Goodmorning did everyone workout
23. August 2010 16:40

@MrsdogC @DogBountyHunter are you still planning a trip to the UK?
@Philip_Brown6 yup just as soon as he get clearance

23. August 2010 16:41

@shannonleetweed @MrsdogC . Found out I'm going to be a dad! I'm so excited for my wife and i. I am scared though. We have the twin gene
@madboxsully woo hoo good job dad

24. August 2010 08:52

Christopher gorman was just shown on the today show his @noh8 photo with his family too cool
24. August 2010 18:23

Reaktion auf DLs Tweet von gestern, dass ER jetzt fährt...
@DuaneLChapman if you don't keep up you won't be driving for long
about 20 hours ago

Mit dem Typen haben sie es auch grad, da geht's iwie drum dass er ihnen das Toilettenpapier geklaut hat oder klauen will... whatever. Ich verfolg's net und hab's auch net rauskopiert, weil ich den Zusammenhang net blicke.
Now that iv caught all my Colorado figures I'm turning my attention to this dangerous and dubious criminal

about 20 hours ago

I lost track of how many we caught
about 17 hours ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 31.08.2010 00:24
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Kohl's Cares is giving $500,000 on Sept 3rd to 20 schools. Mooseheart is at 48,594 AND WE have GONE DOWN TO------ 23TH PLACE. ------Please, let's get this for Mooseheart!! Go to and search for Mooseheart Keep spreading the word and get everyone you know to vote MOOSEHEART!------PLEASE VOTE FOR THIS --------- NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT UNTILL SEPT.4TH KEEP ON VOTING THIS IS WORKING!!!!!!

28. August 2010 04:04

Ich versteh nur Bahnhof...
@BabyLyssaC I think you're a little late for that @MrsdogC is on here all da time!!!
@twittingtita you mean your parents @babylyssac what gave you been drinking ???

28. August 2010 04:09

Was ist das Mooseheart? Erklärung:
@Ally_Lindner this school takes in children who have lost parents to drugs or are incarcerated they live on campus
They cloth them feed them and love them !

28. August 2010 04:12

Just heard @MrsdogC was chillin' in pew town tonight. Come to see the Colorado state fair??? Lol.
@JenniMihm jus chillin wit my friends daughter who goes to the college

28. August 2010 08:21

Goodmorning! Gotta workout ... How's everyone this beautiful Sunday morning
29. August 2010 15:47

@MrsdogC good morning! Its way early for u!! Or are u on the mainland? Have a great day :-)
@mcdago70 in fa mainland for one more day

29. August 2010 15:52

@MrsdogC have a great workout! i had 4 wisdom teeth out so a lazy sunday for me.trying to eat scrambled eggs.not going to starving!
@jenniferl34 shake is better ! Really filling

29. August 2010 16:09

@mrsdogc have you guys had a chance to open your packages from alabama?
@mrsdogc no. two usps boxes with the most awesome gift for you and dog.
@mrsdogc guaranteed one of a kind gifts. actually 6 in all.
@mrsdogc we mailed to the queen emma address.
@mstewart75 don't know then mail goes to Texas !

29. August 2010 16:10

Were going ridding after or workout spend some time out doors befor that long plane ride home
29. August 2010 16:11

Flyin away .....
about 23 hours ago

@MrsDogC Good morning...missing kokohead this morning?
@tesilva ughh thanks for reminding me

29. August 2010 15:54

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 04.09.2010 16:25
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

Außer Dogs Phone hat DL wohl auch noch Beths in die Finger gekriegt....

yes I agree... @duanelchapman is awesome
about 15 hours ago

one word........ NINJA
about 15 hours ago

Ah ha I got it back ! @Duane lee what's all these tweeds outta my new phone
about 14 hours ago

Merke: Lass nie DL dein neues Iphone einrichten - er hackt deinen Twitter-Account.

Insomnia shouldn't be considered insomnia if it's a Friday night but I think I have a bit of it.
@JennyMcCarthy take melatonin

about 5 hours ago

about 3 hours ago

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 04.09.2010 19:09
von Quietschi • 280 Beiträge

LOL ich will nen Iphone haben!!

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RE: Beth on Twitter

in Beth Chapman 07.09.2010 22:21
von Kiwi • Besucher | 5.827 Beiträge

It's early here getting Bonnie off to skating
5:56 PM Sep 4th

Here's a Lil bliss to start your weekend
8:13 PM Sep 4th

*lol* Will Dog etwa noch mehr Viechzeug?
Ok I say no more pets let's all tell @dogbountyhunter he has enough !
8:29 AM Sep 5th

I'm up I'm up on our way to hospital She's a here a brand new chapman Just pushed her way into the world
7:40 PM Sep 5th

Her initials are LBC

7:45 PM Sep 5th

New season begins October 6th all new shows
4:35 PM Sep 6th

You guys are eating up all our new shows we need to slow down so
We can rest between seasons you guys are killing me
Season 7 coming right up

4:37 PM Sep 6th

I know it's early I was on baby watch last night went to do koko head yesterday am for an hour and we almost missed the baby so now my times are off again ...
4:40 PM Sep 6th

@MrsdogC Sounds like you guys have decided to do Season 8 then. A while back u weren't sure. Thanx!
@httppeggles still not sure but getting a lot of pressure

6:43 PM Sep 6th

@MrsdogC I think we have to wait a while longer for any new shows here in the UK. Well worth it though. x
@Bukworm16 there's an extra ten shows on that season so there is still more new ones after Lyssa gives birth be patient

6:44 PM Sep 6th

Was hat sie gegen die Idee????
@MrsdogC Is Tim the proud father of this new baby? Hes a good father, we can tell...8-)
@chicknribs good lord NO !

6:45 PM Sep 6th

Gotta go guys time to workout my back is a lil stiff from kayaking yesterday ..... Have a bomb holiday catch ya later
6:50 PM Sep 6th

Emergency at morton plant hospital ,hung on as long as I could. back is totally spazzing out.time to heal. HH
@HulkHogan4Real: WTF
@HulkHogan4Real my bruddah slow down dude enjoy the view heal slow Brah let the lord work ....sending you Aloha from Hawaii

about 23 hours ago

@MrsdogC Dog did an amazing thing on your anniversary it looked so beautiful.
@lynseyannette that was just a date everyone thought it was our anniversary loved the music

about 23 hours ago

I'm being romanced


about 16 hours ago

@MrsdogC just be greatful Dog doesn't bring home 1 of these!! this is my puppy @8 months & 106 lbs!!
@Inked_H oh hell no

about 14 hours ago

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. ~ Psalm 118:24, NLT#@TheBibleDay”

@HulkHogan4Real get well so you can go home hospitals are yuko !

Time to workout let's move it gals or all that labor day food is gonna stick to your thighs

about 5 hours ago

Going up

250 more

Made it going down

Look for the rainbow

Had a beautiful weekend hope your's was as great

about 4 hours ago

nach oben springen

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